Vaults vs Single Coin Vaults

✅Vaults- very often vaults provide an opportunity to utilize the high yield on farms by depositing another asset to earn, sell and compound profits of the native reward token.

✅Single Coin Vaults- have a distinct feature that they earn more of the single underlying asset. Example: $CAKE will make a user more $CAKE. It is achieved by the following mechanics:

Both types of Fry World’s Vaults are great tools to put your hard earned assets to work. A user will select the Vault that fits their personal goals and earning strategy.


  1. Deposit $CAKE

  2. Let the autocompounding work its magic

  3. Withdraw with profits!


95% compounding

5% total fee (3% performance fee + 2% maintenance/gas fee)

No withdrawal fee

Please have in mind gas fees on the Binance Smart Chain.


fryCake represents the amount of shares you have in the Single Coin CAKE Vault.

Users can deposit $CAKE and earn both $CAKE and $FRIES:

  1. Click on Vaults menu, go to Single Coin Vaults page.

  2. Deposit $CAKE (this will auto compound $CAKE for you, and give you fryCake shares in return)

  3. Go to Frying page, under Single Coin Vaults, Enter the Cake fryer. Deposit fryCake and earn $FRIES

Last updated